Triad Series
Triad Series
Lycra/Mystique/Sequin combine for a sparkling look at parades, pregame, or halftime! Available in 2XS-5XL with 18 different combinations.
Asymmetrical one sleeve tunic with shoulder strap
Twinkle sequin strap
Mystique shoulder/waist insets
Lycra sleeves/skirt with solid Lycra back
Pullover style
Men’s Top:
One sleeve with hip vents
Twinkle sequin chest
Mystique shoulder/waist insets
Lycra sleeve/hem with solid lycra back
Pullover style
Lycra/Mystique/Sequin Combinations:
Black/Silver/Orange, Black/Silver/Red, Black/Silver/Purple, Black/Silver/Royal, Black/Silver/Turquoise, Black/Silver/Green, Black/Silver/Black, Red/Silver/Red, Purple/Silver/Purple, Royal/Silver/Royal
Black/Gold/Red, Black/Gold/Purple, Black/Gold/Royal, Black/Gold/Green, Black/Gold/Black, Red/Gold/Red, Purple/Gold/Purple, Royal/Gold/Royal
*Minimum of 6 Costumes
Ships in 6 Weeks